Posted by: Ghost Category: Authors, Ghostwriter

You would be surprised to know the number of very successful authors who do not write much of their own work in today’s publishing world. And yet, they are stunningly successful as authors.

Ghostwriters Are Everywhere

It may shock and surprise you to know that some of the world’s most prolific authors employ ghostwriters to publish their work. Sometimes the writer is listed in the credits or even on the cover, but many times they are not—and we don’t care and don’t need to be. As long as we’re getting paid, we’re perfectly content writing for you and letting you take on the limelight of fame.

I Don’t Want To Be Famous …

But I do like making money. So I write for people who would love to be famous and I can continue being the introvert that I am helping you achieve your dream at the same time.

Using A Ghostwriter Is Like Cheating—Not.

Employing a ghostwriter is actually a very smart business decision. Anyone who says that hiring a ghostwriter is disingenuous or “cheating” is a noob to publishing and is someone who doesn’t understand the business of publishing and bookselling. These same people would say using a pen name is like lying too. They simply do not understand our business or how the business is traditionally run nor how it works with regard to celebrity.

Blow-off the ignorant and focus on building your brand. THAT is what publishing is all about. You have a business mind, you need a product to promote and sell, and that is where the Ghostwriter Café comes in to help.

You become the face of your brand and we write the product that makes you popular with an audience and a successful author.

We Can Help Every Step of the Way

Not only does the Ghostwriter Café write your stories, we can also help with publishing and marketing as well. We have plans for every kind of author and budget.

Talk to us. Let’s have a conversation about your aspirations and your goals as a published author and we can help make it happen.

Let’s Get in Touch

We’re interested in talking
about your new novel.