Novel Description

Story Details

Working Title: Beware Witches
Written: 2023
Print Pages: 200
Word Count: 50,000
Series Number: Single Book / Sequel Available
Ghostwriter: Ghostwriter Cafe
Genres: Romance, Paranormal, Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ, Mystery, Suspense/Thriller
Tropes: Witches & Warlocks, Ménage, BDSM, Coming of Age
License: Ghostwriter Cafe Limited Perpetual License


Hell Hath No Fury A Witch Scorned

Rene Monet has an embarrassing secret he dares not reveal to anyone. Unfortunately, he’s learned the hard way that jilting his witch boss has left him with a humiliating curse he has no idea how to undo. Who knew witches were even real? And seeing her again after a year only adds to his determination to get back at the sultry bitch for what she did to him.

But how do you exact revenge on someone who wields her own brand of powerful magic?

With his life spiraling out of control, Rene realizes he has more to worry about than a scorned corporate executive. Suddenly thrust into the clandestine world of modern witches and warlocks, Rene is about to learn the darker secrets of his family’s ancient bloodline and why the coven’s mage assassins are out to rid the world of his very existence!

In the vein of a much more young adult “Harry Potter” type story, Beware Witches is a deliciously enticing detour through the realm of sizzling paranormal romance where not everyone is who they seem and not every relationship is exactly straight nor entirely monogamous. A curious blending of contemporary witches and warlocks in the modern world, the often-erotic mystery twists and turns as it unveils a suspense action thriller destined to please.

Story Highlights

A riveting sexy contemporary trio romance between a hero and a companion M/F couple who already have some rocky history with each other. Beware Witches is a coming of age story for the young hero, who at 21 is only now discovering he is a unique kind of warlock—one the covens, both good and dark, want to see dead.

An unfolding mystery of his family’s ancient past sets the young warlock on a path of discovery and overcoming the mage assassins out to destroy him.

There are many twists and turns, interwoven subplots, and battles of magic between powerful antagonists attempting to destroy the hero and his friends.

Tastefully written sizzling hot love scenes are scattered through the story without slowing down the pace and which make sense in the context of the story.

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